Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives


Participants : Papa Fary Diallo, Mahamadou Toure, Olivier Corby, Isabelle Mirbel, Fabien Gandon.

  • Title: Mobile Read Write Access and Intermittent to Semantic Web

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • UGB (Senegal) - LANI - Moussa Lo, Seydina Ndiaye

  • Start year: 2016

  • See also: https://project.inria.fr/morewais/

  • MoReWAIS proposes to explore the specificities (advantages and constraints) of mobile knowledge sharing. The mobile application targeted in MoReWAIS must allow communities and their users to enrich and access more easily the knowledge base using the user’s context with its richness (e.g. location, other users close-by) and addressing its limitations (e.g. intermittent access, limited resources).

    We will design and develop algorithms, methods and tools for mobile devices allowing users to:

    • co-construct locally and on the road the Semantic Web of Data RDF triple stores representing the sociocultural shared knowledge.

    • Access and visualize in context relevant data from the knowledge platform. This requires a complete rethinking of RDF storage and SPARQL querying in a mobile and unreliable network environment. This will also require dedicated interaction design to ease and encourage access and contribution.


  • Title: Social Exchanges and Emotions in Mediated Polemics - Analysis and Data

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • University of Montréal (Canada) - Higher Educational Research ON tutoring systems (Heron) - Claude Frasson

  • Start year: 2014

  • See also: https://project.inria.fr/seempad/

  • Generating, annotating and analyzing a dataset that documents a debate. We aim at synchronizing several dimensions: social links (intensity, alliances, etc.); interactions happening (who talks to whom); textual content of the exchanged messages; social-based semantic relations among the arguments; emotions, polarity, opinions detected from the text; emotions, physical state detected from sensors.